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Applied Science (BTEC L3 National Diploma)

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Year 12

Learners will study six mandatory units:

Unit 1 Principles and Application of Science I

Unit 2 Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques

Unit 3 Science Investigation Skills

Unit 4 Laboratory Techniques and their application

Unit 5 Principles and Applications of Science II

Unit 6 Investigative Project

Skills Recall, select and apply scientific knowledge Use scientific terminology and concepts in given situations Apply appropriate mathematical and technical skills in context


Internal Assessment

  • Write up the findings of research
  • Use case studies to explore complex or unfamiliar situations
  • Design and carry out projects
  • Demonstrate practical and technical skills using appropriate equipment, procedures and techniques

Synoptic Assessment

Synoptic assessment requires learners to demonstrate that they can identify and use effectively, in an integrated way, an appropriate selection of skills, techniques, concepts, theories and knowledge from across the whole sector as relevant to a key task.

External Examination

  • Examinations - all learners take the same assessment at the same time, normally with a written outcome
  • Set Tasks - learners take the assessment during a defined window and demonstrate understanding through completion of a vocational task


  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Year 13

Optional units include:

Unit 8 Physiology of Human Body Systems

Unit 11 Genetics and Genetic Engineering

Unit 13 Applications of Inorganic Chemistry

Unit 15 Electrical Circuits and their Application

Skills Interpret and analyse information in order to make valid judgements

To achieve Distinction, show each of these skills in greater depth



Internal Assessment Synoptic Assessment External Assessment


Entry Requirements

4,4 in GCSE Science

Exam Board


What three things should I do to further my independent learning of this subject?

1. Read journals (such as the New Scientist, available in the Sixth Form Library)

2. Follow mainstream news stories about scientific research

3. Look for practical applications of your learning through Unifrog