Religious Studies
Autumn Term | Spring/Summer Term | |
Year 12 | Philosophy Philosophical issues and questions; The nature and influence of religious experience; Problems of evil and suffering; Philosophical language; Works of scholars; Influences of developments in religious belief. |
Religion and Ethics Significant concepts in issues or debates in religion and ethics; A study of three ethical theories; Application of ethical theories to issues of importance; Ethical language; Deontology, Virtue Ethics and the works of scholars; Medical ethics: beginning and end of life issues. |
Skills | Understanding of philosophical theories, analysis, deduction, logic and reason. | Application of ethical frameworks to pragmatic and real-life situations, analysis, reason and evidence-based decision making. |
Assessment |
Written examination | Written examination |
Autumn Term | Spring/Summer Term | |
Year 13 | Study of Religion (Islam) Religious beliefs, values and teachings; Sources of wisdom and authority; Practices that shape and express religious identity; Social and historical developments; Works of scholars; Religion and society; Primary texts. |
Revision Revision of all three topics. |
Skills | Understanding of Islam as a culture and religion, including historical context behind practices and challenges facing Muslims today. | |
Assessment |
Written examination | Final exams |
Entry Requirements
5 in GCSE English, a 5 in GCSE RE would be beneficial.
Exam Board
What three things should I do to further my independent learning of this subject?
1. Read as much as you can about ethical issues that interest you, such as abortion, euthanasia, medicine, crime and punishment.
2. Watch current affairs programmes on TV and social media, and understand what prominent leaders think about some of the ethical issues discussed above.
3. Consider your own views (whether religious or not), and what underpins them, and be able to evaluate them against other philosophical theories.