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PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) education is a crucial and necessary part of all students' education. At Hoe Valley School, students in Year 7 to 11 receive 1 hour of lesson time every two weeks, in addition to tutor time activities, assemblies and visits from guest speakers.

They will learn and explore content in the following areas:

  • Sex and relationship education
  • Drug and alcohol education
  • Importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle
  • Basic First Aid training
  • Mental health and emotional wellbeing
  • Online safety
  • Keeping safe
  • Financial education
  • Careers education


Relationships, sex and health education (RSHE) is compulsory to be taught in all secondary schools.

The following aims are taken from the Department for Education Statutory guidance document, which can be accessed by clicking here. 

The aim of relationships and sex education (RSE)

To give young people the age-appropriate information they need to help them develop healthy, nurturing relationships of all kinds, not just intimate relationships.

It should enable them to know what a healthy relationship looks like and what makes a good friend, a good colleague and a successful marriage or other type of committed relationship. It should also cover contraception, developing intimate relationships and resisting pressure to have sex (and not applying pressure). It should teach what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour in relationships. This will help pupils understand the positive effects that good relationships have on their mental wellbeing, identify when relationships are not right and understand how such situations can be managed.

The aim of health education

The aim of teaching pupils about physical health and mental wellbeing is to give them the information that they need to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing. It should enable them to recognise what is normal and what is an issue in themselves and others and, when issues arise, know how to seek support as early as possible from appropriate sources.

Hoe Valley School follows government guidance and uses materials and resources from a wide range of external agencies, including the PSHE association. Staff are provided with training and external speakers are sought out when necessary to provide relevant expertise. 

The school uses an online platform called Wellio to deliver the majority of PSHE content, which provides a comprehensive library of resources which are all carefully mapped to cover the statutory content.

Parents are able to request access to any of the teaching resources used for PSHE so you are aware of what your child is being taught. Parents also have a right to request that their child is withdrawn from sex education, but not from relationships education. Should you wish to request access or your child’s withdrawal, please contact the school office.

A curriculum mapping document is linked below which provides an overview of the PSHE content that is taught within curriculum time using the Wellio platform.

To view our PSHE and SRE Policies, please visit our Policies and Procedures page.

Please see the links below for additional advice, support resources and emotional wellbeing advice.