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The PTA works with the school and local community to raise funds for additional school resources and organise a variety of social activities throughout the school year.

We are a friendly and enthusiastic team of parents, guardians and teachers who want to make a positive contribution to school life.

Every parent/carer and teacher at HVS is automatically a member of the PTA and we hope that there is something we organise that attracts your interest – it’s a great way to meet other like-minded parents while building a strong school community. Help is always welcome!

If you would like to be involved or get in touch for more information please contact us via

Joanna Cunningham
PTA Chair Person


The PTA are currently collecting donations of pre loved uniform.  If you have any items that you wish to donate please leave at Reception.  If you wish to purchase any items of uniform please contact the PTA.

The PTA are hosting Welcome Party for our new Year 7 students on Friday 27th September from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Please the flyer below with further information. This event is for Year 7 students only. If your child is interested in coming please make payment here and complete the consent form.

Please see the letter below from the Finance and Operations Manager explaining how the PTA works closely with the school offering support.