Exams & Data

We are very proud of the hard work and achievements of our founding students here at Hoe Valley School and delighted with the outcomes and progress they have made since joining the School in 2015.


Summer 2022 Results

After the COVID disruption we were very pleased that our students were finally able to sit formal GCSE exams in the summer of 2022, and we were even more pleased with the outcomes; Hoe Valley School students outperformed both Surrey (0.16) and National (-0.03) progress ratings with a score of 0.3.

54% of students achieved Grade 5 or higher in English and Maths. We were incredibly proud of the progress our students made relative to their starting points in both of these subjects; the English and Maths Progress Scores were both 0.42. In Surrey the average Progress Score for English was 0.12 and the National Average was -0.05, and in Maths the scores were 0.14 and -0.13 respectively.

In terms of students’ progress relative to their starting points, Hoe Valley School students outperformed both the Surrey and National averages with a score of 0.12 compared to 0.19 in Surrey and -0.04 nationally.

Our Attainment 8 score was 48.8 – schools get a score based on how well students have performed in up to 8 qualifications, which include English, Maths and 3 English Baccalaureate qualifications including Sciences, Computer Science, History, Geography and Languages.



The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) is an accountability measure for schools in England. It measures the proportion of students who achieve a pass in English, Maths, Science, a humanity (History or Geography) and a language GCSE. Arts subjects are not included. At Hoe Valley School we offer French, German, Spanish and Latin as languages, but students can also sit exams in other languages they speak. For example, we have had students sit their Cantonese, Turkish and Russian GCSEs amongst a number of others. If your son or daughter wishes to take a GCSE in a home language, please do let us know and arrangements can be made to support this.

In the Summer 2022 exams, 30% of our students were entered for the EBacc suite of qualifications and 19% of students achieved the EBacc.


Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

You can view our published performance measures on the GOV.UK website here.
You can compare the performance of schools on the GOV.UK website here.



The following report has been compiled for us by our Careers partners Innervate.

Y11 Intended Destinations – Summer 2022

We continue to work with our current Year 11 students ahead of them leaving us this summer, and will publish a destinations report for this cohort early in the Autumn Term 2023.


JCQ Regulations:

The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) oversee all external G.C.S.E’s. Below you will find the JCQ regulations for candidates who have started their G.C.S.E courses (Year 9 onwards) that cover all coursework elements and the formal examinations.

JCQ Information for Candidates – Privacy Notice
JCQ – Preparing to sit your exams
JCQ Coursework Assessments Information
JCQ NE Assessments Information
JCQ On Screen Examinations Information
JCQ Social Media Information for Candidates
JCQ Written Examinations Information

Exam Related Policies:

Conflicts of Interest Exam Policy
Malpractice Exam Policy



GCSE Survival Guide for Parents
GCSE Pod Webinar for Parents


Yes Futures

We work in partnership with Yes Futures to give our students a head-start in life beyond school.

Yes Futures is a multi-award winning education charity founded and run by teachers. The Yes Futures charity works with 8-18 year olds in schools across the South East. Through tailored extra-curricular personal development programmes, Yes Futures empowers young people to make ambitious choices and realise their potential.

Yes Future LogoWhat is the Rising Futures programme?
The Rising Futures programme is specially designed to support secondary school students aged 11-18. The programme accelerates students’ progression through the development of essential life skills to support their success in the classroom and beyond.

The programme runs for 12 months per cohort and is composed of a Welcome Evening, two day trips, a three-day residential trip, and a Graduation Ceremony.

Throughout the programme, the students also benefit from several in-school Coaching sessions, with trained Coaches. All Coaches are DBS checked and trained in child protection.

Please click here for more detailed information about the impact of the Rising Futures Programme at Hoe Valley School Hoe Valley School – Rising Futures Impact Summary


Get in touch:
To find out more, please contact Sophie Bartlett, Impact Manager
Email: sophie@yesfutures.org
Telephone: 020 81 444 393
Or visit their website: www.yesfutures.org



One of the strategic aims for the School is that it should be a hub where students can explore different hobbies and interests outside of the curriculum offer.  Whilst these often feed into the curriculum (for example instrumental lessons or STEM club), we also wanted to offer safe, supervised spaces after school for students to enjoy a range of clubs which may be sporting, arts based, learning a new language or developing a passion within a particular subject.

The enrichment programme is reviewed each term with input from our students and we always offer a range of clubs which are free as well as those which require a parental payment.

The enrichment programme runs from 3.30-4.30pm, Monday – Thursday and ensures all students experience a broad range of exciting opportunities.  Students collect house points for attendance and for excelling in a specific area, which feed into the rewards programme.

To view our Summer Term 2024 Enrichment Programme please CLICK HERE.


PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) education is an important and necessary part of all students education. At Hoe Valley School this is embedded into tutor time lessons that cover a wide range of topics including;

  • Drug and alcohol education
  • Financial education
  • Economic wellbeing
  • Importance of physical activity
  • Basic First Aid training
  • Importance of a healthy lifestyle and diet
  • Mental Health and emotional wellbeing
  • Online Safety
  • Keeping Safe

SRE (Sex and Relationships Education) and is an important part within the PSHE curriculum. From September 2020 schools have a statutory obligation to teach SRE.

The aim of SRE is to give young people the age appropriate information they need to help them develop healthy, nurturing relationships of all kinds, not just intimate relationships. At Hoe Valley School students will cover a wide range of topics including;

  • Different types of relationships; including friendships, family relationships, intimate relationships and healthy relationships
  • Self-respect and respect for others
  • Commitment, tolerance, boundaries and consent.
  • How to manage conflict
  • How to recognise unhealthy relationships
  • How relationships can impact mental health and wellbeing
  • Sexual health and sexuality
  • Contraception

You can view the content of each year group’s SRE lessons in the slides below.

Year 7 SRE Lessons
Year 8 SRE lessons
Year 9 SRE lessons
Year 10 SRE lessons
Year 11 SRE lessons

Hoe Valley School follows the government guidance and uses materials from the government support PSHE association. Staff are provided with training and external speakers are sought out when necessary.

PSHE and Citizenship Overview 2020-2021
SRE Outline for Parents
Objectives in PHSE
Religious Studies and SRE at Hoe Valley School
SRE Guide for Parents

To view our PSHE and SRE Policies, please visit our Policies and Procedures page.

Where can I get advice & support?

Advice and Support Resources
EWSN Emotional Wellbeing Advice May 2021

Remote Education Provision

In line with Government Guidance, HVS is has a full provisional available to provide remote teaching and learning.

Should there be a requirement to return to a remote provision, we aim to deliver high quality lessons as well as excellent pastoral provision to ensure your child receives the very best education they can during this challenging time. Thank you for your support and we are always keen to receive your feedback to make further improvements.
Remote Education Provision
Remote Learning Policy


Hoe Valley School is a brand new, 21st Century school which uses ICT to enhance and support students’ learning, streamline the business operations of the school and automate administration, assessment and reporting. As a new school in a new building, we have been able to implement a modern ICT infrastructure that supports our ICT strategy of making full use of currently available software and equipment to add real value to the experience of everyone associated with the School.

Hoe Valley School students will be technologically capable, confident and flexible to enable them to thrive in whatever direction their future careers take them.

Examples of our whole-school approach to ICT are:

  • We are a Google School – all staff and students have access to the Google suite of applications, including Google Classroom, for class based and home learning. This allows students to interact with one another in a monitored and safe space, to share and collaborate with one another when producing documents and reduces all of those lost worksheets!
  • Computer Science is taught as a discrete subject to all students in Year 7 & 8, as well as being offered at GCSE to students in Year 9-11.
  • All students have a dedicated chromebook that they use in their lessons and their prep, and which also includes an electronic timetable
  • We use a cloud-based Management Information System called SIMS to store student information, track progress and monitor attendance, behaviour and punctuality. This is all shared in an open and transparent manner with our families who have their own parent portal
  • As a cashless School, we have appointed Parent Pay to ensure quick and safe financial transactions between home and School

We have implemented an ICT strategy that is education led not technology led and have identified those areas where ICT can enhance the curriculum and learning, promote enrichment, break down learning barriers, foster collaboration, support CPD for teachers and stimulate creativity and curiosity at all levels.

We believe ICT has a crucial role to play in delivering the learning experience we want for our students – not for its own sake, but because of the value it adds to our relevant and inspiring curriculum.


High Attaining Students
The curriculum is designed to ensure all students are challenged and stretched. Our approach is to ensure the most able students experience a different pathway through the lesson rather than simply completing additional extension tasks. Programmes of Study explicitly outline the pathway for the most able students whilst also providing additional opportunities beyond the classroom such as the UK Maths Challenge, Literary workshops, STEM club, National Association for Able Children in England (NACE) and Latin classes (to name a few!).

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
The SENCO has the responsibility for ensuring that every student receives the support and sensitive challenge he or she needs in order to make the greatest progress. She ensures that all current guidelines, for example the most recent revision of the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice, are fully implemented. Part of the SENCO’s role is to ensure sufficient variation, intervention, stretch and challenge is incorporated into the curriculum to meet the needs of all student groups.

Our excellent team of Teaching Assistants work closely with the teaching staff and are included in CPD sessions and in lesson planning activities to ensure a coordinated approach to the students. They run small group intervention sessions, 1:1 work and support in lessons as appropriate.

Students with English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Students joining the school with English as an Additional Language are supported and their rich cultural heritage celebrated and championed. The School recognises that the needs of these children are different from others, requiring specialist support in the early stages of English language acquisition.

Our EAL students are supported by a combination of careful preparation where information is available in advance, sensitive diagnostic assessment when first joining the school and tailored support in lessons. Measures may include:

  • Personalising all resources and developing a specifically tailored pathway through the lesson to maximise student progress
  • Seating them next to a reliable student translator
  • Identifying and explaining any cultural content that may be unfamiliar
  • Inclusion within lessons for the bulk of the day, with extraction for targeted support at times to be arranged by our SENCO

To view our SEND Policy please visit our Policies page

SEND Information Report – July 2024

Our SENCO & Head of Personalisation, Ms Janette Wood can be contacted by email: senco@hoevalleyschool.org

The HVS6

To ensure the day to day experiences of our students meet our curriculum aims, we have identified six ingredients which we expect to see in our lessons.  Regular learning walks completed by all members of staff ensure that these are consistently evident in lessons:

  • HV6-1. Cognitive Science-derived strategies develop knowledge and skills, and metacognitive behaviours are facilitate
  • HV6-2. Learning time is maximised
  • HV6-3. Students are in the “challenge zone”. As many students as possible experience desired difficulties and find a pathway to success.
  • HV6-4. Quality questioning; questions are of high quality and a variety of strategies are used to maximise participation and challenge levels
  • HV6-5. Authentic extension of cultural capital. Opportunities to develop digital and work ready skills, Numeracy, Literacy, SMSC and an appreciation of the Big Picture are realised.
  • HV6-6. Students receive feedback in every lesson, which can take many forms


Literacy and Numeracy

We believe that mastery of literacy and numeracy are the keys to unlocking the curriculum and so to reflect the importance of these subjects, HVS dedicate significantly more time to these subjects than would be allocated in most mainstream schools. All teachers, regardless of their specialism, are teachers of literacy and numeracy which permeates across the curriculum.

Literacy and numeracy are part of every lesson but are also taught via World Book Day, workshops with professional writers and via the the UKMT (United Kingdom Mathematics Trust) Schools’ Challenge.  We personalise the delivery of literacy and numeracy via the use of programmes such as Lexia and also offer extension clubs for our most able students including Latin and STEM.

Our Literacy and Numeracy policies are available on our Policies page Here.