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Graphic Communication

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Year 12 Project 1: The National Trust Basic skills, the formal elements and introducing the specification requirements including presentation of work and making connections with the work of others Project 2: Personal Mini Project
Develop a personal project, which covers the requirements of Component 1 on a smaller scale.. Although ideas may springboard from this project or the weeks of mini skills building workshops
Project three Year 12 - Year 13 Component 1 (Personal Investigation)
Component 1 is a sustained and focused investigation in response to an issue, theme or idea identified and chosen by the student. It is a practical body of work, which is supported by written material of between 1000 and 3000 words.
Skills Basic recording, media processes, photography and digital skills Developing an idea, responding to the work of others, critical analysis, refining outcomes, presenting ideas Critical analysis, essay writing, presenting ideas, development of outcomes, practical investigations.


AQA assessment objectives 1-4 AQA assessment objectives 1-4 (60% overall grade). Marked out of 96


  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Year 13 Project three Year 12 – Year 13 Component 1 (Personal Investigation)
Component 1 continued. developing outcomes for the sustained and focused investigation in response to a chosen issue or idea. A practical body of work, which is supported by written material of between 1000 and 3000 words.
Project four Year 13 Component 2
Component 2, The externally set assignment (ESA) gives the opportunity to develop and explore ideas relevant to an externally set starting point. Students are required to realise their intentions in an outcome or series of outcomes during the period of supervised time.
Summer Exam
15 hours of supervised time to complete work to conclude the Personal investigation
Skills Critical analysis, essay writing, presenting ideas, development of outcomes, practical investigations. Critical analysis, essay writing, presenting ideas, development of outcomes, practical investigations.  


AQA assessment objectives 1-4 AQA assessment objectives 1-4 (40% overall grade). Marked out of 96 15 hour supervised assessment


Entry Requirements

5 in GCSE Art or Photography preferable.

Exam Board


What three things should I do to further my independent learning of this subject?

1. Record from first hand as much as possible, draw and photograph as often as you can.

2. Visit Galleries for inspiration.

3. Keep a journal (or Pinterest Board) of things that inspire you, especially graphic design.