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Media Studies

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Year 12 Advertising & Marketing; Newspapers Music videos; Magazines; Television Coursework
Skills Analysis of Media Language & Representation; learning & applying Media Theories; knowledge & understanding of Audiences & Industry; print production skills Analysis of Media Language & Representation; learning & applying Media Theories; knowledge & understanding of Audiences & Industry; audio-visual production skills. Responding to a brief; practical production.


Advertising & Marketing; Newspapers Advertising & Marketing; Newspapers; Music Videos; Magazines; Television NEA submission


  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Year 13 Magazines (historical); Television (non-English language product) Video Games; Radio; Blogs; Online magazine Revision; Exams
Skills Analysis of Media Language & Representation; learning & applying Media Theories; knowledge & understanding of Audiences & Industry Analysis of Media Language & Representation; learning & applying Media Theories; knowledge & understanding of Audiences & Industry  


Advertising & Marketing; Newspapers; Music Videos; Magazines; Television Advertising & Marketing; Newspapers; Music Videos; Magazines; Television; Video Games, Radio; Blogs  

Entry Requirements

5 in GCSE English Language.

Exam Board


What three things should I do to further my independent learning of this subject?

1. Read (in print or online) two high-quality newspapers every week. Suggested: The Guardian (free app) and The Times (subscriber website access) or The Independent (subscriber website access) Tabloids don’t count!

2. Follow The Media Insider on YouTube.

3. Read/listen/watch around away from the mainstream. Try some independent films, niche magazines, foreign documentaries, spoken-word radio or podcasts…