
Open Evening for Admission to Hoe Valley School in Year 7 for September 2025 Entry

We are delighted to advise that our Open Evening has been scheduled for Monday 7th October 2024, between 6pm and 8pm. There is no need to book, please just come along on the evening. We look forward to meeting you!

Important Questions & Answers regarding Year 7 places for September 2024

We know how important school places are for you and your child. Please take a few minutes to read our Q and A’s below before getting in touch, as they will hopefully save you time and provide you, in most cases with the answers you need initially.

I didn’t put Hoe Valley School as a preference, or it was a lower preference than the school I have been offered – can I change this? Yes – you must do this through the Surrey County Council School Admissions Team, it cannot be done with us directly. Please contact the Surrey County Council School Admissions Team and ask for Hoe valley School to be added to your application as a preference – this will then automatically add your child to our waiting list. Their contact details for parents are included in your offer letter/email.

I have been offered a school I do not want / did not apply for – what should I do? You are strongly recommended to accept the offered school place, and then over the coming 6 months before the start of the new academic year, work with your preferred schools, such as Hoe Valley School, regarding waiting lists. Most schools see some movement after the initial offer period, and 2nd phase offers start going out from around 18th March onwards, right the way through into the new academic year. If you decline the place you have been offered, you may find yourself with no school place for your child for September.

My family have recently moved to the area and want to apply for a place for Year 7 – what do I do? You should urgently apply for a school place through the Surrey County Council coordinated arrangements process – you can read more about late applications for Year 7 for September 2024 on their website here  All of our places will have been allocated through the coordinated process as detailed below but once you have submitted an application to Surrey and they have processed it, your child will be added to our waiting list for Year 7 for September 2024. Please note that this process ONLY applies for applications for Year 7 for September 2024 until 1st September 2024. For all other applications for other year groups, please read the In Year Application information further down this page.

Entry for Year 7 in September 2024

Hoe Valley will be admitting students into Year 7 in September 2024 as part of Surrey County Council’s coordinated arrangements. Therefore you will apply for a place through Surrey County Council using their online Common Application Form (CAF). Surrey’s coordinated admissions scheme for 2024 was determined by Surrey’s Cabinet on 29 November 2022 and is available to view on Surrey’s website – Determined admission arrangements – Surrey County Council ( The coordinated admissions scheme sets out the dates that will apply to applications and outcomes for 2024 admission to primary and secondary schools, including late for good reason dates.

HVS Admissions Policy 2024-25

As set out in our Admissions Policy, if you are applying for a place as either a member of Hoe Valley School staff, or as a Founding Governor of Hoe Valley School, you are required to complete a Supplementary Information Form, which can be accessed by the following links;

Supplementary Form Child of Staff 2024-25
Supplementary Form Child of Founder 2024-25


In Year Applications – 2023/24 Academic Year

In Year Applications for admission in the 2023/24 academic years are handled by our Admissions Officer, Mrs Rebecca Knight. In order to make an application for In Year Admission to Hoe Valley School, please complete the SMA Form (School Managed Application) in full and return it along with all of the required additional evidence to:

Mrs R Knight – Admissions Officer
Hoe Valley School
Egley Road
GU22 0NH

In Year SMA Application Form 2023-24
Guidance Notes – SMA Applications

These documents can also be emailed to

You can read our Admissions Policy for the 2023-24 academic year here: HVS Admissions Policy 2023-24

As set out in our Admissions Policy, if you are applying for a place as either a member of Hoe Valley School staff, or as a Founding Governor of Hoe Valley School, you are required to complete a Supplementary Information Form, which can be accessed by the following links;

Supplementary Form Child of Founder 2023-24
Supplementary Form Child of Staff 2023-24

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Rebecca Knight in the Admissions Office by email to You can also call directly on 01483 662627 option 3 for Admissions.

Please note that the HVS Admissions Office only operates during term time. You will not receive a response to applications submitted during school closure periods until school re-opens again.

You can also access information and guidance on the general admissions process, both for Year 7 2024, and the in-year application process on Surrey County Council’s website here. Information on Secondary Schools in Surrey is also available through Surrey County Council here


Out of Chronological Applications

Surrey County Council’s guidance on the education of children outside of their chronological year group can be accessed here Surrey County Council Guidance on the education of children out of their chronological year group

If you are considering making an in-year application for out of chronological admission for your child, in the first instance please contact our Admissions Officer, Mrs Rebecca Knight by email at or by telephone to 01483 662627 option 3.


Admissions Policy & Associated Documents – 2025-26

Hoe Valley will be admitting students into Year 7 in September 2025 as part of Surrey County Council’s coordinated arrangements. Therefore you will apply for a place through Surrey County Council using their online Common Application Form (CAF). The coordinated admissions scheme sets out the dates that will apply to applications and outcomes for 2025 admission to primary and secondary schools, including late for good reason dates.

HVS Admissions Policy 2025-26

As set out in our Admissions Policy, if you are applying for a place as either a member of Hoe Valley School staff, or as a Founding Governor of Hoe Valley School, you are required to complete a Supplementary Information Form, which can be accessed by the following links;

Supplementary Form Child of Staff 2025-26
Supplementary Form Child of Founder 2025-26


General Information

The admission arrangements for Surrey’s community and voluntary controlled schools for 2023-24 and Surrey’s primary and secondary coordinated schemes for 2023-24, 2024-25 and 2025-26 were determined by Surrey’s Full Council.  These documents, which set out Surrey’s arrangements, are available in full on the Surrey County Council website here: Surrey County Council Determined Admission Arrangements